Feeling really tired and pretty crappy right now.
I had a bit of chocolate and candy and chips before dinner. Everyone was free in the evening, so we all went to Lone Star. I didn't really eat more than I usually would, but all the crap I ate beforehand certainly didn't help.
Right after, I had my dad drop me off at the gym and I figured I wouldn't be all that productive cuz of how I was feeling, but I did alright. On Monday night, I had another (unintentional) "crappy food" night; I got home from work at 7, intending to go to the gym later that night and for about a good hour I kinda pigged out on chips and garlic bread and noodles. I still went to the gym and decided to make it a 1000 calorie night. Basically, I didn't care how long it took, I wasn't gonna call it a night til my heart rate monitor told me I'd burned 1000 calories. And I did that in just under on hour and a half. So, I tried to make that my goal tonight. I spent my time fighting stitches in my side and trying to keep my dinner down, but I was able to burn about 935 in almost the same amount of time. Note to self: Never work out on a full stomach like that again! I'm still dealing with my stomach even as I'm lying in bed. Just taking small sips of water and trying to breathe calmly.
So, anyway, I have not been doing well at all. I've put on several-ish pounds in the last little bit. On top of that, I was basically the same weight this year for Halloween as I was last year. Fitness-wise, that's a whole fucking year down the toilet. I can't even say like I lost 20lbs and gained it back or whatever. No, I've made like no progress and I'm very disappointed in myself. That being said, I know I'm stronger physically and pretty have better lung capacity and cardio stamina, but I have no idea about body fat percentage or anything like that. As far as I can tell, I don't see any inches lost anywhere, but I dunno.
I'm gonna need to grab a calendar and figure how many days and weeks til Cuba (in mid Feb) and make a plan. At this point, I'd just like to be down 10lbs, but I'm sure if I just grit my teeth and get it done, I could be down like 20 and I would love nothing more to just strut around the resort and pool beach area in a bikini with total confidence and without a care in the world. Help me, Je-bus. lol
Ok, bedtime. Gonna try to make it to the gym before I see SUM41 downtown tomorrow night, but my main priority is to get to the bank and set up a better retirement plan that'll see me with over $1M when I retire. Good times. lol
My costume this year. |