Friday, November 23, 2012

Thu. November 22

Sometimes, I really dunno how to start these things.

So, since figuring out approximately how many days til Cuba, I had actually put on a few lbs. I'm not gonna act like I dunno where I those lbs came from. I know me and my eating are extremely far from perfect. But I was able to lose those few lbs and I was decent-ish tonight, so I'm hoping for a little more of a loss tomorrow. A problem I've had for the last couple weeks is not really having any "good" food in the house to choose from. However, I went to the grocery store yesterday during my break and picked up some yogurt, apples, oranges, lettuce, celery, roast beef and bananas. So, that should help with my food options. I haven't been too consistent with the gym either. Between painful feet, hanging with friends and baby stuff, it just hasn't been easy. I honestly don't see next week being any easier too. That being said, It looks like I'll be "on vacation" from Dec 3-12. I'm really gonna do my best to kill it at the gym and get my shit in that time. Maybe I'll make it a week and a half to just bit the bullet and drop several lbs.

Anyway, that's all for now. I'm kinda tired and hungry and a little bitchy, so I should go. lol


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