I have completed day 1 of 21 days of no junk food again. And I'd say it went pretty well. I had work, so I wasn't just sitting around all day trying to deal with temptation. However, I was sorta tempted when my dad decided to bring home KFC for dinner, but I dealt with that by having oatmeal and peaches for dinner. :)
I foresee this attempt going fairly well. I have a bunch of apples, carrots, and cucumbers kicking around. I'm gonna grab some more frozen fruits cuz I'm just about out. I'm gonna make a list of quick meals/snacks that I can have an post it to the fridge door, so I just need to look at the list and not rummage through the pantries and whatnot. I'm also taking Slimquick; the pill that alleges you'll lose 3 times more weight than with diet and exercise alone. I've used it before, but during those times I really wasn't eating as well as I should've been for the program. I'm hoping this will end up being the perfect trifecta to get some really go results. Honestly though, with my weight at what it is now, I'd be ok with like a 5-6lb weight loss this time 'round. Really aim hoping for more, but it's kind of both in and out of my hands at the same time.
Anywho, that's all for now. I have tomorrow off, so once my nephew goes down for a nap in the afternoon, I'm gonna take off for the gym. I know he's not my responsibility, but my sister usually pawns him off on me or my parents so she can go run usual errands and I feel bad if one of my parents has to care for him by themselves. This is probably one of my bigger excuses for not going to the gym as often, and also why I prefer to go late at night, when he's sleeping. But, ya, this was supposed to be a closing paragraph and I turned it nto a mini rant about how my sister sucks. Whoops. lol
Night everyone.
Here's the dress from the party I went to on Saturday. |
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