Just another quick post.
My food intake
between my last post and now has been pretty bad. I'm just gonna have to
consider this an unplanned cheat day and be good for the next several
I was also kinda lazy and didn't get to the gym before
my 8pm shift at work, so I made sure to go after. Now, I've had a sore
throat since Tuesday night that turned into a cough (still with the
soreness and add ear pain) yesterday and has carried through to today. I
took some cough medicine and ibuprofen and decided I'd just see how
long I could go and how much I could do at the gym. I did kind of have
to push myself to finish 20 mins on the stairclimber, but about half way
through my work out, either the meds or my endorphins really kicked in
and my throat was hardly hurting. On top of that, I upped the weights on
all my machines AND I found $5 on my way to the gym entrance. I think
Karma was rewarding me for going in regardless of sickness.
I'm off to bed now. I don't feel as tired as I think I should be, but
either way I'm just gonna get comfy and relax and set my alarm for 1pm
(instead of 11am) and try to sleep as much as I can to try to make my
throat better. Plus, any time that I'm sleeping is time that I'm not
eating. haha
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