Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tue. July 30

Story time! Gather 'round, children.

K, so you know how I started my last entry saying I thought I was gonna throw up? Well, I did. I'll save you all the yucky details, but I will say I don't think I've ever brought up so much in my life. I swear, every last ounce of anything in my stomach made an appearance. My best guess is that I got food poisoning from a plate of fish and chips from a restaurant I'll call Elsey's - Kay. lol. Anyway, thankfully it was a one and done kind of event, but it sorta messed up my Monday cuz I didn't want to work out too hard the next morning and risk messing up my stomach. However, that did give me time to make spinach ice cubes and turn (about) 6lbs of strawberries, 2 pints of blueberries, and a few bananas into like 4L+ of smoothie. So good. lol. And that brings us to today...

OMG, so much physical activity. I had work, walked home, walked to a local pool, swam, walked home, walked to the gym, worked out, walked home. I'm spent, but proud. Aaaaaand I was able to run at 5.8mph for 30 mins without stopping for a distance of 2.895 miles. : ) Go me!

And now, I'm lying in bed, typing this up, and trying to decide if I wanna go for a swim or a run before work tomorrow. If anything. Maybe I'll be too sore, but a swim would help with that. Hmm. Anyway, I'll see what I decide. Nighty night.

I can relate.

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