Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thu. January 30

Time for another weekly update.

K, so, with the 21 day challenge being over, I started eating some of the stuff I hadn't been allowed to in that time and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it wasn't great either. By that, I mean I didn't have really bad stomach aches or heartburn or anything, but I did still start to feel a little blah. I also threw up again very early Sunday morning. Just a one and done deal, so obviously something didn't agree with me. It might have been a few cookies I'd had from Tim Horton's, but I'd bet money that it was probably the half of an unsalted soft pretzel with some peanut butter right before bed. Can underbaked pretzels make you sick? Anyway, ya, that sucked.

Moving onto yesterday morning, I had a feeling it wasn't gonna be a great weigh in and I was sorta right. I was up 2lbs, which I guess I shouldn't have been surprised about. Had to remind myself that the number on the scale only measures my relationship with gravity and all that crap. And, according to my goal of losing about 2lbs a week, that actually put me right where I should've been this week. But I used that weigh in as motivation to try and be good yesterday and it seemed to work cuz I lost those 2lbs again by this morning. So, maybe I'll go back to eating well for the next week and see if I can lose a little more weight. At this point, my new mini goal is to lose another 6 or 7lbs by the end of February. I think that's fairly attainable.

Alright, that's all for now. Gonna chill out for a little longer before I head to work. Everyone enjoy the rest of your day. : )

Newest tat I just got on Tuesday. On my right, upper shin.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wed. January 22

Apparently, I had a minor case of stupid brain.

Something didn't "add up" properly when it came to keeping track of my weigh-ins, so I went back and took a look at my first post from this month to confirm. I've been thinking that my weigh-in day is Wednesday, but it's actually supposed to be Thursday. Not a huge deal though, I guess. I'd imagine I was approximately the same weight on Jan 1st as I was on the 2nd. So, I guess I'll just stick with it cuz the alliteration sounds better. lol

So, that being the case, I was down another 2lbs from last Wednesday. Obviously, I would've liked that random 3lb loss to stick, but c'est la vie. That was weird though. I wasn't dehydrated or anything weird, and normally if your weight is gonna fluctuate, it'll be up. Well, it was still nice to see that number; it had been a while. But, hopefully, by this time next week, I'll be down another 2.

Ok, so now, I'm sort of a loss for how to proceed since the 21 days are coming to a close. I wasn't the most faithful, but the only items I "cheated" with were 1 muffin, a few small pieces of white bread, a handful of tortilla chips once, and peanut butter, though I think that was a stupid item to be included in the list. I'd call the whole thing a success overall though. My clothes a fitting better, I'm feeling better. Last night, I even had a hot dog wiener and my stomach was not happy with me, probably cuz it had gotten fairly used to mostly natural foods. All the chemicals and preservatives really got to me. But ya, I'm not gonna go back to eating junk all the time, but I need to decide carefully how to reintroduce certain foods back into my diet. Never having pizza or cake again is not at option, but I don't wanna end up having a lot of tummy trouble all the time. Maybe just a couple cheat meals a week or something. That being said, I'm sorta considering keeping up the no chocolate or candy part of the challenge til the end of the month. I've gone this long, kinda wanna see if I can keep it going.

Alrighty, that's it. Everyone enjoy the rest of your day. : )

Bought one more new dress : )

Friday, January 17, 2014

Fri. January 17

Little blogging before work.

Ok, firstly, I had my interview yesterday. I think it went really well and it seems like a job I'd actually enjoy. The manager said she's looking to fill the position sooner rather than later and she'd let me know either way. So, fingers crossed. Also, my dress pants were a little looser than I remember, so that's good. lol

After the interview, I went Hot Topic cuz I had some coupons I wanted to use. I picked up 2 dresses, that I probably wouldn't have been able to fit into nicely like a month ago, but they looked pretty good yesterday. And I can't wait to see how they'll look in several more weeks. : )

Then I had yesterday off cuz we were gonna visit an aunt and uncle (who live 8 hours away) but they'd just come back from a vacay in Cuba and were 20 mins down the highway. We tried to convince them to come to Mandarin, but they were both pretty beat, so we just had a quick visit and left. Gonna be honest, I was very torn about Mandarin. Obviously, I wanted to go stuff my face, but I also didn't wanna have this huge cheat meal and ruin some of my progress. There was talk of us (parents and I) going there for lunch  today instead, but that didn't happen and it's probably for the best.

Next, I started getting a cough yesterday morning and I thought it was from screaming at the Leafs game 2 nights ago, but the more I coughed, the more my ears and throat started to hurt and I thought I might actually be getting sick. I wasn't gonna let that stop me from working out in the evening though, so I grabbed some lozenges and Ibuprofen in my way to the game and just pushed myself enough to stay the whole time, but not so much to make my symptoms worse. I'm glad that I went, for many reasons, but mainly cuz as I was changing to leave, a girl came into the change room and told me she'd seen me around a bunch and had really noticed a physical change in me in the last few weeks. I pretty much floated out of the gym after that. lol

And, lastly, this morning, cuz I'm always curious, I decided to weigh myself. Used the bathroom, got naked, and stepped on. The reading came up and I thought I should do it again in case it was a fluke. So, I got on again and gave me the same read out: 3lbs down. Now, I'll take that reading with a grain of salt (figuratively), but if it's true, that's fantastic. The real test will be to see if that reading comes up during my next official weigh-in. We shall see, but I'm optimistic.

Oh, I lied, one more thing. I bought some bags and frozen fruits (strawberries and blueberries) and made myself a smoothie (with added banana) and it was fantastic. New favourite thing. And the smoothie was only 200 cals and huge. Definitely something I'll continue to do. Omg!

Whoa, that turned out a little longer than I expected. Anyway, off to work for me. Wish me luck making good food choices over the weekend.

My new dresses

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Wed. January 15

Why do I always decide to blog when I'm already so tired?

Anywho, I'll try to keep this brief. So, today was the big day; weigh-in day. I waited with baited breath for the digital read out and lo and behold, I was down another 2lbs. Obviously, there is nothing wrong with this, but I'm still struggling with the idea of "only" losing 2lbs. I know, I'm dumb. But I know I lost it the right/healthy way. Just gotta keep reminding myself that slow and steady wins the race. Lemme close this paragraph by saying that I am actually very happy with this and look forward to being down another 2 next week.

Speaking of next week, I got my work schedule for that time period and it looks like it's a pretty perfect set of hours that'll make it possible for me to get to the gym 4 times. And any time that I'm spent working is time that I don't have to sit around and stuff my face. Not that that's been an issue for like 2 weeks, but still. Just gotta do a little meal prep and then there's no reason why it shouldn't be a great week. Health and fitness-wise, not so much the work. It's all front counter and I hate that crap.

Alrighty, that's all. Gonna get some sleep cuz I kinda have an interview tomorrow for a new job. I hope I'm not jinxing this, but I want it really bad. I need to leave McD's and never look back.

Got my tattoo pretty much finished today. Probably just gonna need a few touch ups when it's healed.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Sat. January 11

I'm really struggling with a lot of random thoughts at the moment.

First off, I'm obviously worried about the whole weight thing. I know it's a process, I didn't put it on overnight, I won't lose it overnight, I'm just worried about plateauing or gaining. I've been super faithful to the challenge. Not perfect, but still really good. Been working out. No chocolates, no pastries, etc. I've just heard that your body can get too accustomed to a low cal diet and then you stop losing weight. I'm sure that I'm fat enough that that won't be an issue, but it's still worrisome. And then I'm worried about worrying cuz I know that that can make you put on weight too. Ugh, God damn. I probably need to just relax and trust that things will be ok.

I also have a lot of "messed up" thoughts per se. Nothing too weird or sadistic or whatever. I just feel like I have a very overactive imagination and I'm forever going over various scenarios pertaining to things going on in my life. Just to clarify, I have hypothetical verbal confrontations with people who have fucked me over in the past. Like, I plan what I'll say to them if and when the moment presents itself, and also if I should be the one to go to them first. And I think I have a problem with letting things go. Like grudges and events and things that have been said to me, even from years ago. I don't forgive people, like, ever. Someone accidentally bumps into me on the street and says sorry, that's fine, but if you've screwed me over ever, no way. I personally know that staying mad at someone is exhausting (in more ways than one), but I feel like if I just forgive and forget, the other person has "won". And I have a few more minor issues that I should probably talk to a professional about, but I don't wanna be psychoanalyzed and I'm not crazy, so that's not happening. As bad as it sounds, I feel like I just need more (or better) friends that I can use as sounding boards. For a different perspective and just to get things off my chest.

Anyway, that's all. Just gonna try to enjoy the rest of my weekend and make sure I keep on track.

That's me. Not fat jokes, plz. lol

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wed. January 8

Quick update before I gotta go to work.

Weighed myself this morning and I was down, which means I've lost 6 lbs since last Wednesday. Obviously, I'm super happy about this, but now I'm slightly unsure how to... proceed? Should I aim to lose another 2lbs by this time next week, or should I just be happy that reached my 3rd week goal so quickly? And did I really lose the weight properly? I mean, I ate yesterday, but I did go to bed kinda hungry, so I was borderline starving when I weighed myself. Either way, I'm not gonna sabotage or anything. Just keep doing what I've doing and hope for some more good results. : )

For all my Canadian peeps.

2014 Goals

1) Read 4 books
2) Lose 30lbs 
3) Get a new job
4) Go to the gym at least twice a week
5) Get at least 3 new tattoos and touch up/fix another 3
6) Procrastinate less
7) Keep my room clean and organized
8) Speak my mind more
9) Have $15,000 in my RSP by year end (currently over $10,100)
10) Try to fall asleep and wake up at more reasonable times
11) Hang out with friends more
12) Shop (for clothing) less
13) Be able to do difficult-ish yoga poses and/or the splits.
14) Do what makes me happy
15) Put more effort into my appearance
16) Drink about 2L of water a day

Tue. January 7

Gonna try to keep this post short, otherwise I'll end up rambling and whatever.

- Tried apple slices with (melted) peanut butter for the first time yesterday and I actually kinda like it. I found it helped me deal with the sometimes boring taste of apple. And I had it again today. If anyone's debating this, I would recommend it.

- Wanted to go for a 30 minute walk on my treadmill today, but my nephew was sleeping right across the hall. So, I just bundled up and went for a walk/jog around my street (which is a circle). Took me a little under 50 mins.

- This local grocery store is having a sale on low cal yogurt cups at the moment (3/99 cents) and since the sale started, I've bought 57. Ya, I'm crazy, but they're like the perfect size and it's a good price and they're good til Feb 11. Not that I'll need that long though. lol

- Did a ton of walking yesterday. Home to work, being at work, work to the gym, and then being at the gym. I was exhausted. And then, this morning, I thought I'd weigh myself. I know you shouldn't weigh yourself when you're sore/swollen cuz your muscles are retaining fluids, but I was curious. Anyway, I was down a pound for the day before, which is great, but tomorrow will be the real time that the weigh in matters. If I maintain, that's cool. If I'm down, that's great. And even if I'm up one, I'll still be lower than this time last week. We shall see. *fingers crossed*

Ok, I believe that's everything. Gonna go sleep the pounds away.

Nighty night.

A little frostie after my walk lol

Monday, January 6, 2014

Sun. January 5

So, I'm still doing alright-ish. I think.

I technically only had 2 meals today. One was a sandwich from Quizno's and the other was a chicken caesar salad from a pub. However, at the pub, the people I was with ordered a cheese and onion ale dip or whatever. I did have some, but just a little on 2 small pieces of baguette and 2 small pieces of naan bread. I feel bad cuz I know that's white bread, but I'm trying to remind myself that a few small pieces of bread probably aren't going to hurt my efforts. I will say though that I had a few moments that felt kinda relapse-y. Like, "I ate this bad food, so I might as well just eat more bad food", but that's dumb and counter productive and I'm above that. But, considering how small my entree size salad ending up being, I probably have nothing to worry about.

Another thing I have to keep reminding myself of is that this is a slow process. I didn't put on the weight over night, so I won't lose it over night. I am concerned that when I weigh myself on Wednesday that I won't have lost anything. Or maybe even gained. Guess we'll have to wait and see. Maybe I'm just thinking that way cuz I feel kinda full at the moment.

One thing that I'll probably have working in my favour in the next few months is that my dad's work schedule has changed, so he won't be able to pick me up after work anymore. The only downside to this is it's friggen cold here at the moment, so most days I'll probably need to bring a pair of loose track pants for extra warmth, but no biggie. It also means I'll get a nice, long walk to the gym on the days I decide to go. Google maps estimates it as a 40 or so minute walk, but I've done it in about 30. Walking through the snow might slow me down a little, but that just means I get a more intense cardio work out.

I think that's all I have for now. Wish me healthy eating and good work outs in the coming days.

Night all.

I don't watch GoT, but I get this and find it funny. lol

Friday, January 3, 2014

Fri. January 3

First post of the new year!

Ok, so, I started the no junk food challenge and had one tiny setback. Tim Horton's decided to release a red velvet muffin. I was gonna wait to try it, but it was a limited time thing and I had no idea when it would finish, so I had one on January 1. Dunno if I wanna just shrug my shoulders and call it one cheat in 21 days, so just consider January 2 my start day. Whatever. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Otherwise, I'd say I'm pretty well on track. Been making friends with soups and salads, keeping an eye weekly flyers for sales on fruits and veggies, and I've been able to resist a few temptations at my house. Yay me!

I also weighed myself yesterday, so for the time being, it looks like Thursday will be my weigh in day. And as long as I'm down like 2lbs by next Thursday, s'all good and I'm on track.

I must say, I have noticed that I'm feeling pretty good. Like, physically. No digestion issues, no bloating, no tummy aches. I should probably focus a little more on portion control, but I've been inputting my foods on myfitnesspal and I see no major issues with my caloric intake or whatever.

Just gonna keep doing what I'm doing and hopefully the results will follow.

Later taters. : )