Friday, January 3, 2014

Fri. January 3

First post of the new year!

Ok, so, I started the no junk food challenge and had one tiny setback. Tim Horton's decided to release a red velvet muffin. I was gonna wait to try it, but it was a limited time thing and I had no idea when it would finish, so I had one on January 1. Dunno if I wanna just shrug my shoulders and call it one cheat in 21 days, so just consider January 2 my start day. Whatever. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Otherwise, I'd say I'm pretty well on track. Been making friends with soups and salads, keeping an eye weekly flyers for sales on fruits and veggies, and I've been able to resist a few temptations at my house. Yay me!

I also weighed myself yesterday, so for the time being, it looks like Thursday will be my weigh in day. And as long as I'm down like 2lbs by next Thursday, s'all good and I'm on track.

I must say, I have noticed that I'm feeling pretty good. Like, physically. No digestion issues, no bloating, no tummy aches. I should probably focus a little more on portion control, but I've been inputting my foods on myfitnesspal and I see no major issues with my caloric intake or whatever.

Just gonna keep doing what I'm doing and hopefully the results will follow.

Later taters. : )

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