Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tue. April 30

Sleepy, but blogging.

Wouldn’t weight loss just be so much easier if someone could tell you exactly what to do for the exact results you wanted? I mean, obviously, eating proper portions of healthy food at proper times and being physically active is good for you, but I sometimes feel like there are too many variables. The human body is a weird and wonderful thing. What I’m getting at is I just wish there was some way to be exact about this whole process. Some days, I eat pretty well and work out and see little to no change. Other days, I don’t work out and indulge in a little chocolate before bed and I’m down like 2lbs. What the hell? I just need/want/would love to have some psychic fitness mind reader to say “eat this specific thing, do this specific work out and you will 150% surely see this specific result you want.” Obviously, this lack of knowing is not a big enough deterrent to actually make me say “F it” and give up; it would just be a lot easier to stick to if I knew it was gonna work. Le sigh.

In other news, my heart rate monitor has been giving me really in accurate readings. I finally hypothesized that maybe it’s cuz the battery is low, but it has no way of letting me know this. So, I ordered a new set of batteries for it and hopefully they’ll get here soon and will fix the problem.

Also, I sorta tried to do a partial “low cal” day. It turns out that an entire jar of (WalMart brand) unsweetened apple sauce is only 318 cals. Just throw in a bunch of cinnamon and you’re good to go. I only ate about half of it, as well as some cucumber slices and an orange at work today for dinner and snack. Here’s hoping for results. I had a thought about how to lower the cals on the yogurt I like. A whole 650mL container is like 700+ calories. Now, if I can find a plain yogurt, with very few cals, I can just combine the 2 and then divide the mixture in half and hopefully reduce the portion calories by like… maybe 300-ish? I dunno. This is something to be experimented with, but I’m hopefully. I just need yogurt to go on sale sometime soon. C’mon summer. lol

5 weeks til Ke$ha, 21lbs to lose.

My sexy new lifting gloves. lol

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