- About a cup of strawberry banana yogurt
- Bowl of Apple Cinnamon Cheerios in milk
- 4 small homemade oatmeal cookies
- Red delicious apple
- Peach
- Several sliced strawberries
- Handful of green grapes
- Several cucumber slices
- Crystal Light in water
- Dieter's (cleansing) tea
- Small piece of grilled chicken (McD's)
- Small hamburger patty (McD's)
- Quarter pounder patty (McD's)
- 8 chicken nuggets (McD's)
- 2 strawberry pies (McD's)
- Lots of water
So much for an all fruits and veg day. It started out kinda poorly, picked up around the middle and then we had some leftovers at work. So, I decided to be kinda good-ish; just go for mainly protein cuz I didn't get much of that today. Well, there's always tomorrow and there's no chance of there being left over food to take home. So, here's hoping.
On a side note, I tried an experiment today. I saw a video, (that I'll post the link to below) on one of the weight loss sites I visit regularly, and the girl who owns it tested a theory that 40 Jumping jacks, 30 crunches, 20 squats and 10 push ups will burn 100 calories, which is what a pic floating around tumblr is claiming. I think I MAY have posted that pic, I honestly can't remember though and I don't feel like looking back. Anyway, she wore a heart rate monitor (the same one I have) and when she was done, she'd only burned 21 cals. I went through the motions today and came up with only 25 cals in 3-ish mins. Inneresting. Point being, you can't always believe pix like that and people tend to overestimate how many calories certain activities burn. Anyway, here's the link. Enjoy! :)
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