Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mon. March 4

Yet another "it's late and I'm tired" posts, but here we go.

Finally got back to the gym today after work. I didn't push myself to make it to 1000 cals. Just wanted to see how bad my endurance and strength may have declined. However, it seems like everything is about the same. When I did my benching, I was able to do 4 sets of 8 reps of 125lbs with pretty decent ease. So, I think it'll be time to up my weights next time. Eating wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible either and before the gym, I went to WalMart and picked up some fruits and veg and yogurt. So, that has me a little excited for this week. I'm also gonna try to not overdo it this week, work out wise. I'm thinking tomorrow will be a rest day, then go again on Wed and probably Thu. It would be nice to get there on Fri, but that would mean going before work and I'm already not going to enjoy work on Friday, so I'd prefer to be well rested. But we'll see.

Anyway, here's my calories burned break down...

Walking to work - 162
Work - 1206
Walking home - 131
Walking to the gym - 203
Work out - 641
Walking home - 187

2530. Can't complain. Also, I just wanted to share my cals burned from my last couple days of work last week. Thursday was 1807 and Friday was 1944 (both in just over 8 hours). So, don't tell me my job isn't stressful and that I don't bust my ass.

Ok, sleep. Sleeeeeeeep. Sleep 4 me! Night.

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