Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sun. April 22

- 2 Pillsbury mini pep and bacon pizzas
- 2 cookies and creme pies (McD's)
- Mozzarella cheese string

So, I started the endeavor to try to guilt and shame myself into eating better. But, as of late, I've just been eating what I want and feeling even more guilt and shame about having to share it. I also haven't been gyming as much as I'd like. Now the gym I go to is 24 hours from 6am Monday - 9pm Friday. So, there's not many excuses I could make there, but if I couldn't make it there, for whatever reason, I have a treadmill at home. And I have definitely used it, but probably not as much as I could. I also have a Shake Weight which, laugh if you will, I have used in the past and had seen a difference. It also only takes 6 mins for the "work out" but it's gone for a couple months untouched. And, failing all those options, I can always still get on the floor and do a bunch of sit ups and push up and various other core exercises. But I don't, and I think it's time to refocus yet again.

 I've been browsing some other weight loss blogs and a couple girls I've seen have posted a pic of a calendar at the end of the month and shown how many days of the month they've gone to the gym and, for the most part, it was like 80% or more. I'd like to be able to do that. I've told myself I'd like to try to get to the gym at least a couple times a week and try to not go more than 5 days between visits. That really hasn't happened recently; partly cuz of work and partly cuz I'm otherwise engaged on the weekends. I realize those are excuses too, but that's just the way it is. However, you can only go up from here. This coming week's work schedule looks like it'll give me more opportunities to get to the gym. Even if it's just for like 45 mins to use a handful of weight machines. I'd still like to go to one of the fitness classes, so maybe I'll consult the gym schedule and see what I'll be able to make it to.

- Half a spinach cheese dip w/chips app (Wacky Wings)
- 16 chicken wings (Wacky Wings)
- Basket of onion rings (Wacky Wings)
- Red Velvet Cake (Wacky Wings)
- Lots of water

*face palm*

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