Friday, April 6, 2012

Thu. April 5

- Bowl of Cinnabon cereal in milk
- 2 pieces of whole wheat toast; one with peanut butter, one with Nutella
- 6 domino stones
- 2 halloween sized packets of Nibs
- Medium sized steak
- Mozzarella cheese string
- Orange
- McDouble w/only ketchup, lettuce and cheese
- A bunch of water

So, I was not in a good mood today cuz I reeeeally didn't want to go to work today. I also couldn't find out if my gym was gonna be open all night cuz it's Good Friday tomorrow, so I decided to not go and just use the treadmill when I got home. Well, I didn't do that either. I think it's safe to say I won't be reaching my goal for my BDay, but at least I've lost several pounds in the last little while. And as long as I don't have a large meal before going out, I'll still probably look pretty decent in my dress. Just gotta try to be good-ish for the next day or so.


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