Friday, July 27, 2012

Thu. July 26

- Several spoonfuls of cherry yogurt
- Bagel w/peanut butter and grape jam
- Pepperoni and sausage pizza on a tortilla
- Several cucumber slices
- Several celery sticks
- Dieter's (cleansing) tea
- 2 servings of Crystal Light
- Small homemade smoothie (strawberries, banana)
- Several fries (McD's)
- Double quarter pounder, only ketchup, crispy onions, lettuce and cheese (McD's)
- Several chicken McBites (McD's)
- Chicken wing (Pizza Pizza)

Today was a little messed up. I was the same weight as yesterday, which wasn't great but at least I didn't gain. Then, I spent a couple hour at the gym and, while there, I was able to run 5K in 35:38, beating my personal best of 36:09. So, I'm hopping I can get down to 35 flat on my next go. I weighed myself when I got home and found I was down a pound. Woo! And what do I do after that? Make a tortilla pizza cuz the pepperoni and sausage is about to go bad. But I figured it wouldn't be a big deal cuz I was packing a pretty healthy lunch for work again. While at work, I only got to have my celery and cucumbers and a bit of my smoothie, which was fine. However, at the end of the night, we had some left over food that I decided to bring home. If I was gonna be bad like that, I probably should have made a smaller sandwich, but obviously, I didn't. Well, if I maintain or gain, then there's no one to blame but me and hopefully I will learn my lesson. I was even considering having some chocolate after all that, since I'd already F-ed up the day so bad. In for a penny, in for a pound, right? But I was able to convince myself that wouldn't fix anything and just make me feel worse. So, I'm just sticking to water for the rest of the night.

I'm on the fence about going to the gym tomorrow. I know I SHOULD, but you're supposed to rest your muscles so they can heal and grow. At the very least, I'll probably find some time to run before work and I'll eat a lot better. Anyway, wish me luck in the morning.

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